Therapy with a difference
Here you can find projects from SPZs and other institutions.
These special projects usually only exist at one location and require travel to be made.
Whether the costs will be covered by the health insurance (accommodation and meals) must always be clarified in advance.
Applications for the assumption of costs can also be made, whether these are approved, but is up to the decision of the respective fund.
Here you will find a brief insight and the right contact person directly.

life quality
People with Autism Spectrum Disorders are like everyone else, but they share difficulties in communication, social interaction, and repertoire of interests.
Especially with more severe forms such as the lack of spoken language and problems in everyday independence, programs based on learning psychology can initiate major development progress and, for example, open the way to the school system.

Small steps
also bring ans
Simple Steps is an offer to support parents who want to deal better with their children's disorders.
The child is supported in this way and you take the first steps to prepare an independent life for your child.
Once you know there is something you can do for your child, so will you.
Simple Steps is always available.
Should provide support:
- to tell you what it wants and needs,
- Develop closer relationships with family and friends
- to integrate into society and to be a part of it.
However, this does not replace treatment by specialists, but is only intended as an aid for relatives!

in the
Diverse scientific studies of effectiveness prove that through so-called "EIBI (Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention) programs, the one
very early onset (up to the age of 5),
behavior therapy oriented,
use high-intensity intervention (30-40 hours / week),
all supported children make significant learning progress, 30-40% even almost normal progress
Can achieve functional level.
Parents should learn to understand the autistic behavior of their children, to deal with it competently and safely and to initiate learning processes.
They should learn to restructure everyday life at home as a learning situation (even without professional help).
The therapy should stimulate the development of autistic children - especially communication and interaction.
The BET is to be introduced nationwide as a special early intervention concept for autistic children.
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Together in
In a three-year project funded by Aktion Mensch and the Oberlinhaus with 350,000 euros, the families were instructed by qualified trainers ten hours a week, spread over two days, at home to work with their child.
For ten more hours, the parents committed themselves to supporting the child alone at home. As a result of the PEFA pilot study, an evaluated early intervention program is now available, which shows the "feasibility" of intensive parent training at home, which is practicable and flexible as well as can be used and developed by the parents.
Since October 2011, the Oberlinhaus in Potsdam has been able to offer the slightly modified PEFA as a care offer for affected families with autistic toddlers in the Brandenburg area.